* Exports an async function that creates a CloudWatchEventRule for our post Lambdas. The rule is to execute the Lambdas once every minute. What the post queue Lambdas do is pull tokens of the SQS queue in a predetermined loop. Between that looping logic, and the once a minute execution rule set here, we achieve the rate the user wants.
* @module deployCloudwatchEvent
const {
} = require("@aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-events");
const logger = require("../../utils/logger")("dev");
* Creates the Cloud Watch event rule that executes the post queue Lambdas once a minute
* @param {cloudwatchEventsClient} cloudwatchEventsClient Looks like `new CloudWatchEventsClient({ region });`
* @param {String} cronJobName Initialized in `deploy.js`, looks like `beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-cloudwatcheventcron`
* @returns {String} Returns an Amazon Resource Number identifying the rule we create here
const createCloudWatchEventRule = async (cloudwatchEventsClient, cronJobName) => {
const params = {
Name: cronJobName,
State: "ENABLED",
Description: "Executes the lambdas once every minute",
ScheduleExpression: "rate(1 minute)",
EventBusName: "default",
const command = new PutRuleCommand(params);
try {
const { RuleArn } = await cloudwatchEventsClient.send(command);
logger.debugSuccess(`Successfully created Cloudwatch Event Rule: ${RuleArn}`);
return RuleArn;
} catch (err) {
logger.debugError("Error", err);
throw new Error(err);
* Exports deployCloudwatchEvent
* @param {String} region A constant destructured from the CLI user's answers in `deploy.js`. Like "us-east-2".
* @param {String} postLambdaArn A Amazon Resource Number referring to the post queue Lambda we need to put this cloudwatch rule on.
* @param {String} cronJobName Initialized in `deploy.js`, looks like `beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-cloudwatcheventcron`
* @returns {String} Returns a Amazon Resource Number identifying this rule we just created.
module.exports = async (region, postLambdaArn, cronJobName) => {
const cloudwatchEventsClient = new CloudWatchEventsClient({ region });
const ruleArn = await createCloudWatchEventRule(cloudwatchEventsClient, cronJobName);
return ruleArn;