
Exports an async function that deploys the DynamoDB database


(require("deployPollingRoute"))(restApiId, region, apiGatewayName, dynamoName, roleArn, bucketObjectTld, stageName, protectUrl) → {String}


Exports deployPollingRoute()

Name Type Description
restApiId String

The id referring to the API Gateway

region String

A constant destructured from the CLI user's answers in deploy.js. Like "us-east-2".

apiGatewayName String

A constant created in deploy.js, is beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-apigateway

dynamoName String

Constant initialized in deploy.js, looks like beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-ddb

roleArn String

Amazon resource number for the kitchen sink role returned by createRole()

bucketObjectTld String

A public URL where the object in the S3 bucket is located, i.e. the waiting room URL.

stageName String

A constant "prod"

protectUrl String

A constant destructured from the CLI user's answers in deploy.js. Like "".


A URL that the waiting room can poll to see if the user's token is in the DB https://${restApiId}.execute-api.${region}${stageName}/${pollingResourceName};



(async, inner) createResource(apiGateway, restApiId, resourceParentId, resourceName) → {String}


Creates a subresource "/polling" of root

Name Type Description
apiGateway APIGatewayClient

Looks like new APIGatewayClient({ region })

restApiId String

The string returned from createApiGateway()

resourceParentId String

The id of the root resource returned from getResources();

resourceName String

A constant "polling"


A resourceId referring to this new resource


(async, inner) getResources(apiGateway, restApiId, apiGatewayName) → {String}


Function which gets the id of the root resource "/" of the API Gateway originally created in deployApiGateway()

Name Type Description
apiGateway APIGatewayClient

Looks like new APIGatewayClient({ region });

restApiId String

ID refering to the API Gateway. Was returned from deployApiGateway()

apiGatewayName String

A constant from deploy.js, looks like beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-apigateway


An id which refers to the root resource of the API Gateway, i.e. "/"


(async, inner) putMethodRequest(apiGateway, restApiId, pollingResourceId, pollingResourceName)


Our "/polling" endpoint has one method it handles, a GET request. This function creates it and customizes a header for the request named cookie with a placeholder value of false at creation time.

Name Type Description
apiGateway APIGatewayClient

Looks like new APIGatewayClient({ region })

restApiId String

The string returned from createApiGateway()

pollingResourceId String

Id referring to the "/polling" resource returned from createResource()

pollingResourceName String

A constant "polling"

(async, inner) setIntegrationRequest(apiGateway, pollingResourceId, restApiId, dynamoDbUri, pollingResourceName, roleArn, dynamoName)


Instead of triggering a Lambda, this resource uses a template to access the cookie value off the request headers and then performs a direct query of the DB to see if the token exists.

Name Type Description
apiGateway APIGatewayClient

Looks like new APIGatewayClient({ region })

pollingResourceId String

Id referring to the the "/polling" resource we created.

restApiId String

The string returned from createApiGateway()

dynamoDbUri String

Uri that references the DynamoDB

pollingResourceName String

Constant is "polling"

roleArn String

Amazon resource number for the kitchen sink role returned by createRole()

dynamoName String

Constant initialized in deploy.js, looks like beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-ddb

(async, inner) setIntegrationResponse(apiGateway, pollingResourceId, restApiId, pollingResourceName, bucketObjectTld, protectUrl)


Creates the Integration Response stage of the API Gateway and makes customizations. We add specific headers to the response to allow CORS and since credentials are being sent with the original request to this resource, we have to specifically interpolate the URL we want the browswer to allow for Access-Control-Allow-Origin, in this case the waiting room URL. We also use a template to take the response from the DB and construct an object to send back to the client with two properties "allow" that will be a boolean and "protectUrl" that will be the final destination to redirect users to.

Name Type Description
apiGateway APIGatewayClient

Looks like new APIGatewayClient({ region })

pollingResourceId String

Id referring to the the "/polling" resource we created.

restApiId String

The string returned from createApiGateway()

pollingResourceName String

Constant is "polling"

bucketObjectTld String

A public URL where the object in the S3 bucket is located, i.e. the waiting room URL.

protectUrl String

A constant destructured from the CLI user's answers in deploy.js. Like "".

(async, inner) setMethodResponse(apiGateway, pollingResourceId, restApiId, pollingResourceName)


Creates the Method Response stage. Of note is the creation of headers for CORS purposes. The values start out as false when creating them, but are changed in setIntegrationResponse()

Name Type Description
apiGateway APIGatewayClient

Looks like new APIGatewayClient({ region })

pollingResourceId String

Id referring to the the "/polling" resource we created.

restApiId String

The string returned from createApiGateway()

pollingResourceName String

Constant is "polling"