* Destroys a waiting room infrastructure.
* @module destroy
const path = require("path");
const logger = require("../utils/logger")("dev");
const { readFile, validateInitRan, validateProfileName } = require("../utils/utilities");
const chalk = require("chalk");
const ora = require("ora");
const destroyRole = require("../aws/destroy/destroyRole");
const destroyLambda = require("../aws/destroy/destroyLambda");
const destroySQS = require("../aws/destroy/destroySQS");
const destroyDynamo = require("../aws/destroy/destroyDynamo");
const destroyCloudwatchEvent = require("../aws/destroy/destroyCloudwatchEvent");
const destroyS3 = require("../aws/destroy/destroyS3");
const destroyApiGateway = require("../aws/destroy/destroyApiGateway");
const ANSWERS_FILE_PATH = path.join(
* The destroy command combines all of the destroy modules and invokes them with the required parameters.
* @param {string} profileName The profile to destroy
* @returns {undefined}
module.exports = async (profileName) => {
const initRan = await validateInitRan(ANSWERS_FILE_PATH);
if (!initRan) return;
const profiles = JSON.parse(await readFile(ANSWERS_FILE_PATH));
const validProfileName = validateProfileName(profileName, profiles, "destroy");
if (!validProfileName) return;
const {[profileName] : { PROFILE_NAME, REGION }} = profiles;
const S3_NAME = `beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-s3`
const DLQ_NAME = `beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-dlq`
const SQS_NAME = `beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-sqs`
const DYNAMO_NAME = `beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-ddb`
const API_GATEWAY_NAME = `beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-apigateway`
const POST_LAMBDA_NAME = `beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-postlambda`
const PRE_LAMBDA_NAME = `beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-prelambda`
const ROLE_NAME = `beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-master-role`
const CRON_JOB_NAME = `beekeeper-${PROFILE_NAME}-cloudwatcheventcron`
const spinner = ora();
let warn = false;
logger.highlight('🐝 Destroying waiting room infrastructure');
try {
spinner.start("Destroying IAM role")
await destroyRole(REGION, ROLE_NAME);
spinner.succeed("Successfully destroyed IAM role")
} catch (err) {
warn = true;
spinner.warn("Warning: (IAM role) " + err.message.split(":")[0])
try {
spinner.start("Destroying post-lambda")
await destroyLambda(REGION, POST_LAMBDA_NAME);
spinner.succeed("Successfully destroyed post-lambda")
} catch (err) {
warn = true;
spinner.warn("Warning: (post-lambda) " + err.message.split(":")[0])
try {
spinner.start("Destroying pre-lambda")
await destroyLambda(REGION, PRE_LAMBDA_NAME);
spinner.succeed("Successfully destroyed pre-lambda")
} catch (err) {
warn = true;
spinner.warn("Warning: (pre-lambda) " + err.message.split(":")[0])
try {
spinner.start("Destroying DLQ")
await destroySQS(REGION, DLQ_NAME);
spinner.succeed("Successfully destroyed DLQ")
} catch (err) {
warn = true;
spinner.warn("Warning: (DLQ) " + err.message.split(":")[0])
try {
spinner.start("Destroying SQS")
await destroySQS(REGION, SQS_NAME);
spinner.succeed("Successfully destroyed SQS")
} catch (err) {
warn = true;
spinner.warn("Warning: (SQS) " + err.message.split(":")[0])
try {
spinner.start("Destroying DynamoDB")
await destroyDynamo(REGION, DYNAMO_NAME);
spinner.succeed("Successfully destroyed DynamoDB")
} catch (err) {
warn = true;
spinner.warn("Warning: (DynamoDB) " + err.message.split(":")[0])
try {
spinner.start("Destroying Cloudwatch Event")
await destroyCloudwatchEvent(REGION, CRON_JOB_NAME);
spinner.succeed("Successfully destroyed Cloudwatch Event")
} catch (err) {
warn = true;
spinner.warn("Warning: (Cloudwatch Event) " + err.message.split(":")[0])
try {
spinner.start("Destroying S3 Bucket")
await destroyS3(REGION, S3_NAME);
spinner.succeed("Successfully destroyed S3 Bucket")
} catch (err) {
warn = true;
spinner.warn("Warning: (S3 Bucket) " + err.message.split(":")[0])
try {
spinner.start("Destroying API Gateway")
await destroyApiGateway(REGION, API_GATEWAY_NAME);
spinner.succeed("Successfully destroyed API Gateway")
} catch (err) {
warn = true;
spinner.warn("Warning: (API Gateway) " + err.message.split(":")[0])
if (warn) {
console.log(`Note: It's normal to see "${chalk.yellow.bold("⚠")} Warning" if that piece of the infrastructure has not been deployed yet.`)
logger.highlight(`${chalk.green.bold("✔")} Successfully destroyed waiting room infrastructure`);