* Prompts a series of questions, and stores the answers in an object.
* @module promptQuestions
* @example <caption>questions is an object, which contains an asynchnous method, which returns a promise</caption>
* const questions = require('./promptQuestions.js');
* questions.promptQuestions().then(data => console.log(data));
* // {
* // PROFILE_NAME: String, -> "myName"
* // WAITING_ROOM_NAME: String, -> "Black Friday Sale"
* // REGION: String, -> "us-east-1"
* // PROTECT_URL: String, -> "https://www.example.com"
* // RATE: Int -> 50
* // }
* @example <caption>Same example, but with object destructuring and async/await</caption>
* const { promptQuestions } = require('./promptQuestions.js');
* (async () => {
* let answers = await promptQuestions();
* console.log(answers);
* })();
const prompts = require("prompts");
const logger = require("./logger")("dev");
const chalk = require("chalk");
* Returns an object that contains the answers to the prompted questions
* @returns {Object}
const promptQuestions = async () => {
const questions = [
type: "text",
message: "Enter profile name:",
initial: "Your AWS services deployed will use this name",
validate: (value) => {
if (!/^[a-z0-9]+$/i.test(value)) {
return "Name can only contain alphanumerics.";
if (value.length > 20) {
return `Name can't exceed 20 characters.`;
return true;
type: "text",
message: "Enter waiting room name:",
validate: (value) => {
if (value.length > 100) {
return `Name can't exceed 100 characters.`;
return true;
initial: "This is your public waiting room display name",
type: "select",
name: "REGION",
message: "Select a region:",
choices: [
title: "US East (Ohio)",
description: "us-east-2",
value: "us-east-2",
title: "US East (N. Virginia)",
description: "us-east-1",
value: "us-east-1",
title: "US West (N. California)",
description: "us-west-1",
value: "us-west-1",
title: "US West (Oregon)",
description: "us-west-2",
value: "us-west-2",
title: "Africa (Cape Town)",
description: "af-south-1",
value: "af-south-1",
title: "Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)",
description: "ap-east-1",
value: "ap-east-1",
title: "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)",
description: "ap-south-1",
value: "ap-south-1",
title: "Asia Pacific (Osaka)",
description: "ap-northeast-3",
value: "ap-northeast-3",
title: "Asia Pacific (Seoul)",
description: "ap-northeast-2",
value: "ap-northeast-2",
title: "Asia Pacific (Singapore)",
description: "ap-southeast-1",
value: "ap-southeast-1",
title: "Asia Pacific (Sydney)",
description: "ap-southeast-2",
value: "ap-southeast-2",
title: "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)",
description: "ap-northeast-1",
value: "ap-northeast-1",
title: "Canada (Central)",
description: "ca-central-1",
value: "ca-central-1",
title: "China (Beijing)",
description: "cn-north-1",
value: "cn-north-1",
title: "China (Ningxia)",
description: "cn-northwest-1",
value: "cn-northwest-1",
title: "Europe (Frankfurt)",
description: "eu-central-1",
value: "eu-central-1",
title: "Europe (Ireland)",
description: "eu-west-1",
value: "eu-west-1",
title: "Europe (London)",
description: "eu-west-2",
value: "eu-west-2",
title: "Europe (Milan)",
description: "eu-south-1",
value: "eu-south-1",
title: "Europe (Paris)",
description: "eu-west-3",
value: "eu-west-3",
title: "Europe (Stockholm)",
description: "eu-north-1",
value: "eu-north-1",
title: "Middle East (Bahrain)",
description: "me-south-1",
value: "me-south-1",
title: "South America (São Paulo)",
description: "sa-east-1",
value: "sa-east-1",
title: "AWS GovCloud (US-East)",
description: "gov-east-1",
value: "us-gov-east-1",
title: "AWS GovCloud (US-West)",
description: "gov-west-1",
value: "us-gov-west-1",
initial: 0,
type: "text",
name: "PROTECT_URL",
message: "Enter the URL to protect:",
initial: "ex: https://www.google.com",
validate: (value) => {
if (
) {
return "Please enter a valid URL.";
if (value.length > 2000) {
return `URL can't exceed 2000 characters.`;
return true;
type: 'number',
name: 'RATE',
message: 'Max number of users allowed to enter per minute:',
style: 'default',
validate: value => value < 10 || value > 3000 ? `Please enter a number between 10 to 3,000` : true
const onSubmit = (prompt) => {
return prompt.name === "RATE";
const onCancel = () => {
console.log('Exiting prompt.');
try {
logger.highlight(`🐝 Let's configure your waiting room`);
console.log("Press Ctrl+C to cancel at anytime");
const response = await prompts(questions, {onSubmit, onCancel});
if (response.RATE) {
`Now enter ${chalk.yellow.bold(`beekeeper deploy ${response.PROFILE_NAME}`)} to deploy your waiting room infrastructure`
return response;
} catch (err) {
logger.debugError("Error", err);
throw new Error(err);
* Exports the promptQuestions function.
* @returns {Object}
module.exports = {